Tutoring & Consulting Servies

About Our Services

Our professors offer their superior services to non-Cortona Academy students after school, on weekends and during the summer.

If your child is struggling in high school courses at the local public or private school, it is often possible to transfer our courses to your student’s high school transcript.

Our Tutoring Services

All Language Arts, Reading, Writing and Comprehension

Math – General math, Pre- Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry,

Pre-calculus, College Calculus, College Math


Science- General, Basic, Earth, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Remedial Courses – in all subjects

Hi-Tech Study , Reading and Organizational Skills (HTS-3)


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Our Consulting Services

Educational Consulting for GT and LD students, beginning in Grade 4. Get an unbiased and objective evaluation of how your child is doing. Find out with pin-point accuracy whether or not the school (public or private) is really giving your child the education s/he needs.

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