International Students

Personalized, Private Education for Embassy Families

Many private academies that in previous generations had been touted as being the “best in the DC area” for embassy families re now having to deal with higher standards OVERSEAS, as well as much higher standards for U.S. universities. Additionally, IF embassy children decide to pursue medicine or engineering, as well as score well in humanities, they MUST be courses that surpass the traditional I.B. curriculum, at a minimum, in a curriculum that focuses on THEIR potential.

Why Cortona Academy?

Embassy families come to the DC Metro Area hoping to experience a great cultural as well as educational experience for their children. When returning to their native countries, they want to enroll their children in good schools OR want their children to pass the American S.A.T, allowing them to enter American colleges and universities.

However, in the past ten years, there has been a great educational climate shift in the DC Area.

Plus, a family is a family! Not every child in any given family will be brilliant in every, single subject, and thus will not be accepted by many elite private schools. Question: What happens in a family with BOTH gifted, as well as challenged, learning disabled or special needs children? How much driving will parents have to do between separate private schools? Answer: Find a school that serves both!

At Cortona Academy, Our Embassy Families are Assured of:

  • Unparalleled education in the DC Area: Experienced Master’s and PhD teachers. Four students per class! Summer programs or year-around-school to advance or make-up classes.
  • Transferable Courses: Cortona’s courses are internationally recognized, which has nothing to do with local or state accreditation. Any private U.S. school can be accredited, but what difference will it make if the courses are low-level, despite how these courses are named on a transcript? Who will care if the courses are accredited, or “I.B.” or if straight As are achieved, if the child returns to their native country and fails to meet their country standards, cannot pass the A-levels, or worse yet, fails our S.A.T’s?
  • Personalized Education: Custom-designed, potential-based education for grades 4 – 12. We teach every child, including students facing ADHD, Dyslexia or other Learning Challenges.
  • Learning Differences: Our tenured staff of highly-qualified professors design programs focused on your and your child’s personal objectives. Each student, whether learning-challenged or gifted, is respected at all times. We focus on the student’s actual potential, encouraging confidence, plus the hopes and dreams of both the student and their parents.
  • Cultural Immersion: A fun-filled, stress-free environment with bi-monthly filed trips. That’s up to 20 field trips per school year!
  • Transferable Learning: Focus and organizational skills …taught in every, single class, which transfers to success in colleges, graduate and professional schools. (HTS-3)
  • Honesty: Cortona’s superior staff will honorably advise parents on precisely what the child needs, and precisely which courses are needed. THEN, it is up to the parents. We work for the parents and the embassies…they do not work for us.

Call now to enroll! (VA) 703-464-0034 ; (MD) 301-215-7788