Elective Programs & Courses

At Cortona Academy, We Offer Two Types of Electives!

Student Created Electives and Courses

Cortona Academy provides one of the only programs in Virginia that allows students to request and design their own electives, augmented with our professors and consultants.

Students have the option to take individual or group elective classes.

The possibilities are endless!


Event Sign-Up

Sample of Previous Electives

STEM Electives

3-D Printing; Bitcoin; Underwater Robotics; Computer Languages (Python, C++, and R); LEGO Mindstorm; Coding; Nature & Pond Studies; Microscopic Life & Structures; NASA & Space-X Topics; X-Stem Team Projects; Individual Student/Mentored Projects; Culinary 3-D Printing; Game Design; Wearable Electronics; Raspberry Pi; Astrobiology of Mars; Space Law Topics; Everything Space-X; Virtual Reality (VR) Oculus Rift; Business Math: What Does It Cost?; Statistics: What We “Probably” Know; Study of Current Nobel Prize Winners in Science; Human Biology: What’s Inside Revealed by Microscope Slides; etc.

Liberal Arts Electives

Fashion Design; Book Binding; Creative Writing; Journalism; Photography, Film, and Film Appreciation; Guitar & On-site Piano Lessons; Italian Languages and Cuisine; Art from Nature; Grammar Review; Poetry Forum; Writing for High School; Writing for Junior High; Reading Enrichment with Interactive Art & Design; Furniture Painting & Design; Knitting & Sewing: Art & Design; Character Development & Plot Design; Illustration; Graphic Design; Art History; Copying the Art Masters Works; Board Game Design; Music Lovers Kennedy Center Productions; Smithsonian Museums; etc.

Graduate with a Cultured Education

No Child in the Greater Washington Areas Should be Uncultured

Here at Cortona Academy, history and art is taught in tandem with literature.
Most children are not exposed to an intersectional educational experience until college, but not here at Cortona Academy. Our classes fuse together, establishing a cultured and comprehensive education.
Ensure your child receives a cultured education!

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