Join the Cortona Academy Family!

Enroll at Cortona Academy: Act Now!

The longer you wait to check us out, the more difficult it becomes as the school year progresses for both your child and your entire family. We know this, because we’ve all been there.

Cortona Academy’s amazing staff will save your child’s grades, increase motivation and inspire your child for the future. We have open Fall 2024 Admissions, so your child may begin immediately.

Openings are still available at our exciting new 14,000 square foot facility in Herndon, Virginia for the current school year, the summer and next year.

Contact Us!

If this is your child, you Need to act now!

Event Sign-up

Academic Indicators
Outside Indicators
Academic Indicators

  • Your child’s less-than-stellar grades may not improve during the next semester and may drop further, in spite of constant promises to do better.
  • Your child’s grades start off well, but usually decrease as the year progresses.
  • Your child has less than a 3.2 G.P.A. at any time during high school.
  • Your teen genuinely wants to get good grades, but has lost the thrill of learning.
  • Your child is a “gamer,” or spends more than 30 minutes on the computer each night while the grades do not reflect true potential.
  • Your child needs constant tutoring and/or summer school to keep up.
  • Your gifted child wants to finish high school early, or take advanced courses for college credits, possibly saving you thousands in tuition.

Outside Indicators

  • You have stressed-out teens not enjoying school, except for the social life aspect of it.
  • “Motivation” is possible, but only through endless coaxing, punishment or bribery.
  • Homework arguments are the rule-of-the-evening in your household. Everyone is stressed!
  • Your straight-A student is exhausted, nervous about college, and has lost the zest for learning, or worse, doesn’t seem very happy.  You are worried.
  • Getting up a 5 or 6 AM for school is ridiculous and miserable for your child.
  • “Computer addiction” is not just something you read about anymore; it describes your child.
  • You and your spouse are constantly arguing about what to do about your child’s education.